
Dr. Jochen Reich M.Sc. Computer Science

German Patent Attorney

European Patent Attorney

Rechtsanwalt, Patentanwalt, Informatiker
Dr. Heiner Pollert Attorney at Law

Intellectual Property and innovation management expert


Silva Helmer Patent Officer

Patent Management


Frank Purschke M.Sc. Electrical Engineering

European Patent Attorney


Theodor Seitz M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

German Patent Attorney

European Patent Attorney

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Niessner Patent Engineer

Professor for Analytical Chemistry


Andreas Salzinger Graduate Engineer

Prior Art Searches

We are hiring Patent Attorney (Artificial Intelligence AI, IoT, 3GPP, ...)


We offer a wide network of patent lawyers, advisors from the business community and experts from the university environment. For the elaboration of technical advice for litigation in the mobile sector professors were already successfully acquired.

We are able to handle international mandates and are fimiliar with the European patent practice, especially in the field of telecommunications and computer science.

Patent Group

The Patent Group helps patent applicants to create and manage patent portfolios. With our help you can buy and sell patents or patent applications. For example, you can put together and acquire an existing patent portfolio in a short time without having to register yourself. At you can buy or sell patents. With the platform Def-Pub you can quickly create prior art to prevent further patenting.


Since 1998, the patent pool has been successfully involved in the financial support, transformation and management of innovations and early-stage investments that can be protected by patents. Our specialists and network partners have many years of experience in the acquisition, implementation and marketing of disruptive technologies.

We have a wide network and are available in different collaborations. For example, Dr. Jochen Reich is engaged in the society for computer science eV (= GI) and leads the Working group Patents, where the task arises to create an interface between the computer science and the Patent Law. With approximately 22.000 members the GI is the largest computer science specialist representation in the German-speaking countries.

Innovation, invention

The German Institute for Inventions has been the organization that supports the Rudolf Diesel Medal since 1982 and awards it annually to entrepreneurs and companies in the categories "Most Successful Innovation", "Best Innovation", "Best Innovation Promotion" and "Best Media Communication". Since May 2022, Dr. Jochen Reich is a member of the board of directors and is particularly committed to promoting the German culture of innovation on a voluntary basis.

Dr. Jochen Reich is a visiting researcher at the Technical University of Munich, Faculty of computer science and also advises members of other universities and their partners from industry. Furthermore, he is member of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys, FICPI and epi. For further information see

Particularly outstanding innovations can be nominated for the Innovation Award. Here Dr. Jochen Reich is along with professors and industry representatives member of the jury.

Feel free to contact us for further information.